More firsts for HTG.....
1. Our first series of focus groups. Overall we held about 15 focus groups for a half dozen vendors which were overwhelming filled with HTG members. The feedback I got was this: “we talk with a lot of partners around the world, but these people are at a very different level. They understand solutions and just get it.” The feedback was extremely positive and we will help guide a number of things with the time you invested. I did hear that most of these groups were actually very good as well. I worked hard to make sure they were on the right track and while I didn’t hold my breath, the vendors stepped up and made them worth your time. But again, thank you for risking some hours to participate. I have asked the vendors to let us know what they do based on the feedback provided.
2. Our first church service at an industry conference. I don’t know of any other conference where a worship service has been held. Jeff Wood, Brad Schow and Jonathan Warrey led a fantastic worship experience that had over 60 attendees on Sunday morning. While we all came together to grow our businesses, to be honest, that is only part of the story. Life is about a lot more important things than how much money we make and these guys created an atmosphere that focused us on things that matter – people.
3. Our first conference prayer meetings. Each morning we had prayer time at 7 AM in my suite. Throughout the weekend across the four mornings, over 40 different partners came together to pray for the events of the day and the people in attendance. Many were there all four days. The spiritual part of life is a very important consideration as it should guide how we build our leadership plan and ultimately our business plan. If you didn’t know about this aspect of the event – I put out a daily email for folks that talks about scripture and life. Just email me and let me know you want to be added to the list. You can also read the scripture part of that (about 1/3 of what I write in the daily email) at
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