Friday, December 28, 2007

The last Friday of 2007

Are you one of the TGIF (thank God it's Friday) crowd - those who can't wait til Friday because the weekend is coming? This is your last TGIF for 2007 and it is time to be sure you are ready to begin 2008 on the right foot. I believe there are three things that every good company leader needs to have in place (at least for themselves but there is much value to having the entire team have the same):

1. A company business plan that is based on the mission, vision and values of the organization
2. A personal leadership plan that defines how you will lead your organization or fulfill your role
3. A life plan that defines what you will trade the 168 hours you are gifted each week for - in other words what will you exchange your time for.

Too many people let life happen to them rather than manage life by their plan. Too many leaders let the day happen to them rather than managing their resources to achieve their goals. Too many companies let business happen to them rather than going after their mission, vision and values to create success. I encourage you to take this last TGIF and think about what you will do in 2008 so it doesn't do it to you. Do you have your plans reviewed from 2007? Have you thought about what you want to do with your life in 2008 - personally, as a leader and as a company? It begins next week so get after it! Vision without execution is hallucination!

1 comment:

Stuart R. Crawford said...

Hi Arlin, I agree that we must have a plan for our business, life and person...I am wrestling with the whole time for money exchange thing. We only have 168 hours per week and how do maximize this effectively and also loss the time for money exchange that happens in our line of work so much. I am not a fan of billable hours or anything that exchange an hour of work for a dollar amount...

hmmmm...thinking and pondering, can you smell the smoke!!!

Stuart Crawford
Calgary, AB