Friday, May 23, 2008

Remembering why....

Joe Mercandante from HTG4 sent a great reminder to his group today that I want everyone to consider. Thanks Joe for helping us focus on things that matter.....

"As we prepare to wrap up prior to a long weekend, I want to wish you all a very happy and enjoyable Memorial Day. Cherish the downtime and especially the little extra time you get to spend with the people you love.

Please also take a moment or two to pause to remember the reason we have the day off. Since the birth of our country in 1776, over 1.1M service men and women have died as the result of war, and over 1.5M have returned wounded. Everyone knows someone who served or is serving in our armed forces. Those that serve sacrifice a great deal to keep us safe and to preserve our freedom. Some of them – far too many perhaps - make the ultimate sacrifice.

Regardless of one’s political position on any given war or conflict, I beg you to pause for a moment to thank those who serve and have served, and to remember those who gave their lives to keep us safe and make our lives better."

Great words to consider this Memorial Day weekend. God bless the USA!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Arlin for sharing this with broader community.

One of my guys, Mike Cahill, pointed out to me that my numbers were low so I went back to the drawing board to recalculate and he was right. The numbers are actually about 1.1M killed (includes combat, non-combat theater, and non-theater) and 1.5M non-mortal woundings. I apologize for the error and hope that it didn’t diminish the message.

Happy Memorial Day to all. God Bless our troops and our country.

- Joe Mercadante

Stuart R. Crawford said...

Have a great Memorial Day for all my US friends.

We will observe our war casualties in November, however during this time, I would like to remember the thousands of Canadians killed in both World Wars, Korea plus the 80+ Canadians killed in Afganistan. The most recent from Calgary.

Stuart Crawford
Calgary, AB