Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Bringing in the new year


Here is comes! 2008 has rolled into town and we are now given the opportunity to start fresh. The score is 0-0 today. All of us are on the same level. Are you determined to be more successful in 2008? One of the ways that happens is by planning. Are your plans written yet for 2008? HTS has completed our company business plan and now we are in the second stage which will be to map employee committments to the company plan. I call that a personal leadership plan. It is simply a list of goals and objectives with action steps and accountabilities that describe how you will fulfill your role in your company this year. If you are a business owner you may think you are exempt. WRONG! As the leader you need to set the standard in how to plan and be accountable. You set the standard for all others to follow. Too many owners feel they are given a pass because they pay the bills. That is a very poor way to lead. Put on paper how you will lead your company to achieve the business plan goals you set. Don't take the easy way out. Put a line in the sand, write down your committments, and then EXECUTE agains them. That will change how your employees think and act. This first few weeks of the new year is the perfect opportunity to really LEAD and to take your company to a new place in 2008. Remember that if you do what you did last year, you will likely get what you got last year. I hope you will set your sights on something greater and get after it now, not later.

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